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  • Writer's pictureLiz Zivney

Very Belated Half Marathon Results

I am horribly late in writing about my half marathon! It's been nearly a month since I ran the Hot Cider Hustle in Green Bay and hit 1,400 miles for the year.

The race went great. It was a warm fall day with a bit of a breeze, and the course was relatively flat. I finished in 2:10:16. Between miles 10 and 13 I passed nine runners. Although that's an exciting feeling, it probably means I started the first half of the race too slow!

It's funny to run a half marathon after having completed a full marathon. Training is hard and the event is hard, but now there's this reserve of... strength? perspective? calm? Something that gives reassurance that although running 13.1 miles is hard, I can run so much farther. I crossed the finish line sprinting and smiling, which is not something I could say about any of my previous halfs.

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