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  • Writer's pictureLiz Zivney

Half Marathon Training: Weeks 6-8 and 1200 miles in 2022

Week 6

Total miles: 5.99

Long run: (none, due to girls weekend)

Week 7

Total miles: 18.66

Long Run: 8.79

Week 8

Total miles: 15.89

Long run: 9.0 (may have included walking up and down the driveway until I hit 9 miles)

The last three weeks have been focused on getting back into a routine and a sense of normalcy. It may not be evident from the somewhat erratic statistics above, but I have been running more consistently and looking forward to running more. I've run an average of 3 days each week.

The Blisters

The curveball this week (week 8) was a set of blisters I acquired while roller skating on Friday. While it seemed like a great opportunity for cross training, it resulted in blisters and didn't even register as movement on my Fitbit!

Happily, the blisters were high enough on my ankle that my shoes didn't rub them while running. Hooray for cross training again! I stuck a couple bandaids over them and put a thick pair of socks on and went for my nine-mile run without issue.

Run the Year Milestone

I was pretty motivated to do the nine mile run on Sunday (blisters or not) because I needed just eight miles to reach the 1,200 mile milestone for Run the Year.

Clearly I won't reach 2,022 miles this year barring some pretty exceptional circumstances. But it has been fun to track my movement and has kept me motivated to get up and move around. Now that I have a Fitbit again and have gone into the office a few times, it's surprising to see how much less I walk around at home compared to at the office. Being at the office encourages movement in a couple ways: walking across the parking lot twice a day, walking farther to get to the kitchen/bathroom, walking to conference rooms and other offices for meetings. Okay, let's be real, that last one doesn't happen very often now that we're remote-first. But once or twice a week is still more than never!

New Hamster

We welcomed a new hamster this week. Like Bean, he's a dwarf hamster and will be my home office mate. We haven't settled on a name yet, but I'll be sure to share when we do.

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