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  • Writer's pictureLiz Zivney

Goal Check In: January

I started the year with the following goals:

  • Run or walk at least one mile per day

  • Run at least three half marathons

  • Total distance of 1,766 miles (34 miles per week)

One Intentional Mile Per Day: Met!

I'm pleased to report that I met the one mile per day goal in January (except January 6, which was before I organized myself enough to set the goal).

There were several days where this was a major challenge. The day we got a ton of snow, I shoveled for an hour but my Fitbit only recognized .6 miles of movement despite recording over 3,000 steps! I seriously considered just rounding it to a mile, and probably could have justified it with the number of steps (there are only 2,000 steps in a mile). But I did not. I went for a walk instead.

Run at Least 3 Half Marathons: On Track

I identified two half marathons to run. The first is in May (technically a 20k race, which is 12.9 miles, but the theme is so fun I just had to do it). The second is in July. The third race is yet to be selected, but there are a lot of options in the fall.

Up next is a real half marathon training plan and more scheduled runs.

Total Distance of 1,766 miles (34/week): Not Met

I'm behind on this goal. I only averaged 28.5 miles per week in January. I could have done better, but I had a couple of successes:

  • I found a way to walk or run at least one mile every day, even when it was frigidly cold.

  • I had a four day streak of 10,000+ steps per day (January 16-17).

  • The average distance of my runs was 4 miles, and the longest was 6.1 miles.

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