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  • Writer's pictureLiz Zivney

1,620 Miles in 2022 & 2023 Goals

I started 2022 with the goal of running or walking a combined total of 2,022 miles. Between my full marathon and other activity I thought it was a lofty yet achievable goal.

Despite the marathon, I fell short. I actually had the lowest total miles out of the three years I completed RTY and tracked every mile. What happened?

2016, 2017 and 2022 are the years I counted every mile. I stopped tracking in August 2018 and only counted intentional miles in 2021.

My theory is that this is the effect of working at home. Although it feels negligible, the effect of walking across a parking lot and up a couple flights of stairs every day really adds up. I had 25 days in 2022 with less than one mile of walking. I no longer have the daily stats for 2016, but I don't recall a single day that I had less than a mile of movement. Most days I recall getting at least 1.5 to 2 miles just from incidental activity at the office.

Another factor is the method of measurement. I suspect wearing a Fitbit on your wrist rather than on your waistband undercounts your steps. There are times that I shuffle from the kitchen to the home office and the wrist Fitbit doesn't register any activity. The waistband Fitbit would register those steps.


Because the only thing better than running is the data generated by running.

  • Total miles: 1620

  • Average daily miles: 4.43

  • Average weekly miles: 31.2

  • Total runs: 124

  • Average length of run: 5.2 miles

  • Total running miles: 650.1

  • Days with less than 1 mile of walking: 25

  • Longest run: 26.32 miles

  • Shortest run: 1.17 miles

  • Longest walk: 10.51 miles

2023 Goals

I've done the numbers about twenty different ways, and there's just no realistic way I can move 2,023 miles this year while also working full time, going to school, and having a life. The only way it would be doable is with a treadmill in my house, which we don't have the space for.

So my goal is not 2,023 miles. Instead my goals are:

One intentional mile every day

This can be a run or walk, as long as I dedicate 10-20 minutes to move a mile (rather than accumulating it through incidental movement).

Run at least 3 half marathons

My analysis showed that I cover an average of 34 miles per week while training for last year's marathon and half marathon. If I can keep a steady average of 34 miles per week, I would achieve 1,768 miles this year.

Astute readers will notice that I averaged 31.2 miles a week in 2022. Upping that by just 2.8 miles would increase my annual total by almost 150 miles!

The easiest way to motivate myself to hit 34 miles per week is to increase the number of weeks I'm training for a race and decrease the number of weeks I'm not training for something. Adding another race to the calendar will have me in training for 36 weeks rather than 30. A fourth race would put me at 48 weeks of training, if timed correctly (it's near impossible to find a race in Wisconsin in winter!).

Distance Goal: 1766 miles

I set my record distance in 2017 with 1,765 miles. I would like to break that record this year.

This requires a daily average of 4.83 miles and 33.96 miles per week.

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